Feliz 2010: Carold of the Old Ones

Un año más ha finalizado y el mundo sigue aquí. La humanidad aun no ha alcanzado la autodestrucción ni ha liberado a horrores sin nombre sobre la faz de la Tierra. Las estrellas aún no se encuentran en posición, por lo que Cthulhu y los demás primigenios aún permanecen encerrados y esperando. Nos enfrentamos al reto de un nuevo año, el 2010, que se nos presenta expectante y quien sabe que podamos hallar en él. Eso es algo que sólo el tiempo nos dirá. Para celebrar estas fechas con sus festividades asociadas os daré una tregua temporal. No os atormentaré con horrores y pesadillas, no socabaré vuestra cordura con hechos y conocimientos que destrozarían vuestras convicciones, simplemente os dejo un pequeño obsequio cortesía de la H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, un villancico de los Mitos de Cthulhu, el Carold of the Old Ones.

Carold of the Old Ones
The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society


Look to the sky, way up on high
There in the night stars are now right.
Eons have passed: now then at last
Prison walls break, Old Ones awake!
They will return: mankind will learn
New kinds of fear when they are here.
They will reclaim all in their name;
Hopes turn to black when they come back.
Ignorant fools, mankind now rules
Where they ruled then: it's theirs again

Stars brightly burning, boiling and churning
Bode a returning season of doom

Scary scary scary scary solstice
Very very very scary solstice

Up from the sea, from underground
Down from the sky, they're all around
They will return: mankind will learn
New kinds of fear when they are here

Look to the sky, way up on high
There in the night stars are now right.
Eons have passed: now then at last
Prison walls break, Old Ones awake!
Madness will reign, terror and pain
Woes without end where they extend.
Ignorant fools, mankind now rules
Where they ruled then: it's theirs again

Stars brightly burning, boiling and churning
Bode a returning season of doom

Scary scary scary scary solstice
Very very very scary solstice

Up from the sea, from underground
Down from the sky, they're all around.


(Look to the sky, way up on high
There in the night stars now are right)

They will return.

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